Monday, September 29, 2014

Here we go...

First day, First post - I suppose an introduction is in order.

My name is Cara. 
I am a doctor who enjoys doing crafts... Is that enough?!?

Here is the whole truth. 

Although I was born and raised in Ottawa, Canada, due to competition to get into medicine, I traveled abroad to complete my education. Ireland (Trinity College to be exact) was one of the best decisions of my life. Not only did I receive a great education, I met my husband there, and we were married two days before graduation.

Unfortunately, the job market isn't what we wish it was. Certain of only one thing (that we wanted to remain together for our first year of marriage), my husband and I played the game that is CaRMS, and entered into the match as a Couple. As luck would have it, we wound up back in Ottawa, my hometown. The only problem - my husband is practicing medicine, and I must take the year off. 

While at first this news was devastating (dreams = shattered!), eventually I came to see the silver lining. I am in a very unique position. A doctor with a year off!  I have been in University for 12 years (Undergrad, Masters and 5 years of medical school). It's probably about time I took a break.

So, while I am not studying for board exams, or preparing for this years CaRMS Match, I hope to write this blog. This is not a blog about health concerns, nor is it a blog to offer advice or counsel on the CaRMS match. This is also not a blog about fashion, as I have neither the wardrobe, nor the self-confidence to pull it off!

This is a blog to motivate myself, while sharing project ideas and design concepts that I LOVE. 

And that's it! 

Hopefully there will be more to come...
Cara xox

[If you've managed to read this far, I applaud you! Welcome!]

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