Monday, September 29, 2014

To Prove My Crafty Skills... my Power Ranger Helmet!

My First Crafty Post!

I'm currently working on a new project, but I thought I would post a project I completed a few years ago, since Hallowe'en is right around the corner.

Are you into Hallowe'en? Have you ever wanted to be a Power Ranger? As a child of the 90's, this seemed like a really good idea... Spandex and a giant Helmet. It's probably a good thing I never actually wore this.

To make your very own Helmet:

1. Start by blowing up very large balloon.
2. Papier-mache that sucker. Wait a day or two to ensure it is completely dry.
3. Cut out shape for visor and chin. I used a scalpel, but an Exact-o knife would work just as well.        
            Please be careful - they are sharp.
            Do NOT make cuts while the mask is on your face... draw only. Cut later.
            Ask for help with this, so that the visor lines up with your actual line of sight.

4. Go to craft store, buy two full plastic face masks. I say two, because I ruined one on my first try, and had to go back.
           Expect to have a difficult time cutting the mask (have bandaids handy)
           Cut just above nose, and ensure lips are still intact.

5. Tape into place (make very secure) with masking tape.
           Have the subject try on the prototype often. Take pictures and laugh often.

Here we are so far. I have many skills, photography isn't one of them...

6. Decide which Power Ranger you'd like to be - I went for Red.

7. Find a picture of the helmet you're attempting to make. Here was mine:

8. The top needs to be built up. I used a combination of taped newspaper (sort of like how you build up papier mache), and white molding clay (can be purchased at Michael's Craft stores).
           Mold into the animal shape, according to your photo (mine was T. Rex)

9. For the visor, I used recycled plastic (a lid to a salad container, I believe.)
           Make sure it is a soft plastic that you can see through.
           I then used windshield tint to make it dark and mysterious (Bought at Canadian Tire.)

10. Decorate!
           I finished it off with red, white and silver acrylic paints. (Double or triple coat)
           I also used metallic silver stickers (cut in the shape of triangles) for the T Rex's teeth.

11. Not shown in the photo - I superglued 2 large black marbles for the eyes - they fit directly into the sockets.

And Voila! I personally think that this would be classified as a Pinterest Win!

So, as you can see, while the shape was not perfect, the basic idea was there.
While slightly more time consuming, it was a lot more fun than buying a helmet on eBay.

Have I inspired a Blast from the Past costume? Happy Costume Making!

That's it for today. Time to study.

Cara xox

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